Saturday, April 9, 2011


Hey Guys! I just noticed that I've been on blogger for over a year... Guess how many readers I have so far... That's right, one. And it's me. That's really pathetic. Oh, well, not everyone can be Julie WhatsHerFace from the movie 'Julie and Julia.' If you haven't watched it, it's a great movie about two incredible women. I love being a girl. News on my life: I bought a snowboard. Hopefully it's not a piece of crap and I am not wasting my money on ebay. Also, I want to say that I am thoroughly excited that my birthday is coming up on the 26th. It's not everyday that you turn 14. Anyway, thanks for all the readers (sarcasm). I hope I can interest anyone in this blog. If not, this solely a waste of time. Sally, out!