Sunday, May 30, 2010


Hey guys!
I am so happy! I got a silver medal at the Karate tournament yesterday! Isn't that awesome? My first tournament and i have a silver medal! I am really proud of myself! Anyway, enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hey guys! I lot has happened since I last posted a... post. It has been really exciting, so I should tell you about it. I have to start at the beginning.
Ok, I had my birthday party on the 25th. I turned 13 years old. Yay! I got a whole bunch of money. That was good, because I saved up for a laptop.
Then, I got ready to buy my laptop. Then, I bought it just 3 days ago. I got an accessory yesterday. They have really good service. I have to do some setting up and stuff, but that's ok.
Today, my brother had his birthday party. Swimming and having a great time. It was really fun! Update you later!